英國冬天旅遊 温泉度假好去處

巴斯溫泉中心 | Thermae Bath Spa
Get inspired by winter wellness this season | VisitBritain

Thermae Bath Spa - Visit Bath

Spa Sessions: New Royal Bath | Thermae Bath Spa




地址:The Hetling Pump Room, Hot Bath Street, Bath BA1 1SJ

英國溫泉酒店 | Chewton Glen Hotel & Spa
Hotel Hit Squad: After four failed attempts to get there, Chewton Glen –  and its sparkling new spa – were worth the wait | Telegraph Travel

Luxury Face and Body Spa Treatments in the New Forest Hampshire | Chewton  Glen Hotel and Spa

Chewton Glen Hotel and Spa Review - a Luxurious Escape


楚頓格倫酒店位於英國漢普郡,是一個佔地面積很大的奢華度假酒店,步行到海灘只有幾分鐘的路程哦。酒店有很多娛樂項目供客人選擇,如射箭、騎馬、帆船、飛碟射擊及遠足等等。值得一提的是,酒店溫泉中心的水療溫泉池和水晶蒸汽房等設施非常豪華,是冬季逃離大城市的喧囂、來幾日休閒放鬆的小日子的不二選擇。酒店餐廳提供使用當地食材烹製的時令菜餚。旁邊還設有一間酒廊酒吧,提供備受歡迎的傳統下午茶。想來這裡泡泡溫泉的寶寶們還可以安排去附近的New Forest騎馬和釣魚哦。

地址:Christchurch Road, New Milton BH25 6QS
